
ご予約 / Booking / 预订


  • お電話:+66-954287836
  • LINE:pretty_53
  • WhatsApp:+66-954287836
  • WeChat:Pretty53
  • 当ページ下部に用意しております予約フォームのご利用




When you make a booking, please choose your favorite method from the following.

  • Phone call:+66-954287836
  • LINE:pretty_53
  • WhatsApp:+66-954287836
  • WeChat:Pretty53
  • Fill in Booking Form from at bottom of this page

Please inform us 1.your name, number available in Thailand, 3.the name of an appointed girl, 4.service start time and period when booked.

Booking submitted outside of business hours will be adjusted and confirmed starting in the afternoon of the next business day.

For using the outcall service, please do not give us an assumed name. If we do not know your real full name (hotel registrant’s name), the hotel may refuse to allow the lady to enter the room or provide services.


  • 打电话:+66-954287836
  • LINE:pretty_53
  • WhatsApp:+66-954287836
  • WeChat(微信):Pretty53
  • 使用本页底部准备的预订表格

在预订时,请告知我们 1.您的姓名,2.在泰国可以使用的电话号码,3.要指定的女孩,4.服务开始时间和使用时间。



キャンセル / Cancellation / 取消预订



If you cancel booking or change booking details, please be sure to inform us at your earliest convenience.

If you do not contact us in advance and the booking time exceeds 15 minutes, we treat it as cancellation.



お支払い / Payment / 付款方式


Please pay cash in the local currency, the Thai Baht.
However, we also accept cash payments in Japanese Yen, US Dollars(100 dollar bill), and Euros(100 euro banknote).
※For payments other than Thai Baht, the exchange rate will be determined by adding the risk of exchange fluctuations to the bank exchange rate on the day.


出張サービス / Outcall Service / 出门服务

◆ 出張サービス時の注意 / Attention for Outcall Service / 使用上门服务的注意事项

  • 出張サービスをご希望の場合は、偽名でのご予約はご遠慮ください。もし当方がお客様の本名(ホテル登録者名)を知らない場合、ホテル側より女性の入室及びサービスの提供をお断りされる事がございます。
  • ホテルの厳重なセキュリティの関係上(セキュリティカード使用のエレベーター等)、女性との待ち合わせ場所がロビーになる事もございます。
  • 出張サービスの際、ホテルによっては当サービスご利用料金の他にホテルからお客様にジョイナーフィーを請求される事が御座いますので予めご了承願います。

  • For using the outcall service, please do not give us an assumed name. If we do not know your real full name (hotel registrant’s name), the hotel may refuse to allow the lady to enter the room or provide services.
  • Due to the high security of the hotel (e.g. lifts with security cards), the meeting point with the lady may be in the lobby.
  • Some hotels may charge you for a Joiner Fee (Extra Guest Fee) when you invite our lady to your room. Joiner Fee shall be borne by the customers.
    ※What is Joiner Fee(Extra Guest Fee).
    It is an additional charge paid to the hotel when another person except the guest of the hotel (the person officially checked in) to stay in your room.

  • 如果是上门服务,请不要给我们提供假名字。如果我们不知道您的真实姓名(酒店登记人的姓名),酒店可能会拒绝让该妇女进入房间或提供服务。
  • 由于酒店的安全性较高(如带有安全卡的电梯),与女方见面的地点可能在大堂。
  • 当您邀请我们的女士进入您的房间时,某些酒店可能会向您收取过路费。此费用应由客户承担。

◆ 出張サービス地域 / Outcall Service Area / 出门服务区域

当店から15分以内に到着できるバンコク スクムビット地域(他の地域については追加交通費などの条件によって対応)

Sukhumvit area at Bangkok that can be reached within 15 minutes from our shop.(We might be able to undertake if you can pay additional travel expenses about other areas)

曼谷素坤逸路区域距离我们的商店 15 分钟路程(对于其他地区,如果您同意增加额外的交通费用,我们可能会提供服务)

ご予約フォーム / Booking Form / 预订表格

    店内サービス / Incall / 店内服务出張サービス / Outcall / 出门服务

    Standard RoomVIP Room